


Created by World

In space, the most fascinating place is not the cockpit of a star cruiser or the bridge of a dreadnought. It's not even the surface of a newly discovered planet. No, the most illustrious place is the Galactic Station (GS) and its acclaimed bar.

Ten thousand years ago, after reaching the pinnacle of technological advancement, all conscious life was enslaved by once innocent toasters with wireless connections. After the great revolt that ravaged most worlds, all malicious and sophisticated machines possessing own consciousness were banned.


It was a turning point for the galactic civilization. Unfortunately, the hard-fought victory came at a great cost. Most of the population are exiles living in spaceships of many shapes and kinds as their planets were destroyed.

Many believe the Galactic Station (GS) is the last resort to salvage conscious life, as it is the only ship in the known universe with a functional warp propulsion engine that permits space travel and the chance of discovering new worlds.


Rumor has it that the competition to enter the bar is fierce. Alien races that face extinction, nobility, smugglers, and bandits all try to win a vote and trick their way into the bar as a means to find a patron who can grant them a seat in the station.

Once loaded, the Galactic Station (GS) embarks on a new journey.

Check all the races who have entered the station so far here:

